Agriculture Type 2 Pamphlet 1920 - 1925
Item ID: MBP-Agricu-Type-2
Collector Rating: 5
5 3/8" x 8"; The title of the badge printed in large letters at the top of the cover.
Angling Type 2 Pamphlet 1922 - 1925
Item ID: MBP-Anglin-Type-2
Collector Rating: 5
5 3/8" x 8"; The title of the badge printed in large letters at the top of the cover.
Art Type 2 Pamphlet 1920 - 1925
Item ID: MBP-Art-Type-2
Collector Rating: 5
5 3/8" x 8"; The title of the badge printed in large letters at the top of the cover.
Astronomy Type 2 Pamphlet 1920 - 1924
Item ID: MBP-Astron-Type-2
Collector Rating: 5
5 3/8" x 8"; The title of the badge printed in large letters at the top of the cover.
Aviation Type 2 Pamphlet 1920 - 1925
Item ID: MBP-Aviati-Type-2
Collector Rating: 5
5 3/8" x 8"; The title of the badge printed in large letters at the top of the cover.
Bee Keeping Type 2 Pamphlet 1922 - 1924
Item ID: MBP-BeeKee-Type-2
Collector Rating: 5
5 3/8" x 8"; The title of the badge printed in large letters at the top of the cover.