Item Name: Aeronautics 1942 - 1947

Item ID: Aerona-D

Collector Rating: 5

Pamphlet Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements Aprip 1942 until 1947

  1. Justify the statements (a) "The airplane has caused the world to shrink." (b) "Airplanes are essential to protect the Nation's borders" different planes in the air
  2. Make and present rough sketches to show that (a) he can distinguish between a landplane, a sea- plane, a flying boat, an amphibian, an autogiro, and helicopter; (b) Show by rough sketches the main principles of identifying various types of different planes in air
  3. Explain with rough sketches (a) the principle upon which lighter-than-air aircraft operate; (b) the basic theory of heavier-than-air flight; (c) the relation of weather to each
  4. Construct one glider and one Rise Off Ground successful flying model, carving out the propeller and reporting the flight duration record in quite still air and in winds not over 10 miles per hour 31
  5. Read and report on one Aviation book approved by the Counselor
  6. Present rough sketch of how the four-cycle internal combustion engine works; indicate four classes of aircraft engines and explain their principal dif-
  7. Present his own sketched outline map covering one of the following air trips: Outline a plan for a trip around the world by commercial airline routes; OR outline such a trip from New York to Melbourne, Australia, going one way, returning another; OR outline such a good-will trip through the Western Hemisphere, reaching each nation; OR outline map of a continent marking its civil airways; OR outline map of U. S. A. showing its civil airways, and check theron a trip plan
  8. Present a list of the principal government and civil agencies related to aviation. Tell what they do.
  9. Report on opportunities for employment in aviation indicating various kinds of jobs