Item Name: Botany 1972 - 1975

Item ID: Botany-H2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until December 1977

1. Make five 2-hour field trips to observe wild plant life. Keep a record, based on field notes, of kinds of flowers found. Show date, and kind of place. Record other information such as seeds, seed pods, leaf arrangements, and insect attraction. Pictures or drawings may be part of the record.

2. Name from living specimens at least 50 plants.

3. Name in three specimens all parts of a perfect and complete flower.

(a) Explain how plants are pollenized.
(b) Explain how ferns are different from flowering plants.

4. Identify specimens of 10 families of flowering plants (other than trees). Label specimens of 10 such families. (May be counted as part of No. 8b)

5. Tell what plants are rare where you live. Tell what is being done or should be done to protect them.

6. Explain how plants use light, heat, water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Describe how they make their own food.

7. Submit or identify in the field one specimen each of fungi, algae, lichens, and mosses. Where this cannot be done, you may substitute five different kinds of ferns or desert plants.

8. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Make a seed collection of at least 20 different kinds of seeds you gathered. Label each king. Germinate five kinds. Tell the different kinds of seeds. Describe how they are scattered.

(b) Submit specimens of 30 species of flowering plants. Include leaf, stem, flower, and root (if not of rare plant). Mount neatly. Label with both common and scientific name. Give date, place found and kind of locality.

(c) Make a study of plant life in an area of 15 square feet for 2 months. Keep record of species found, kind of place, insect attraction and seeds.

(d) Raise a wild flower or fern garden that has five different species or plants. Give: (1) Common and scientific names of each. (2) Proper way to transplant and care for.