Item Name: Camping 1947 - 1960

Item ID: Campin-E2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1953 until November 1959

1. a. Prepare a check list of person equipment necessary for a three-day camp.

b. Prepare a satisfactory menu and provision list for yourself and one or more companions for such a three-day camp.

c. Using your check list, assemble and pack this equipment and food properly for comfort and protection against bad weather.*

d. Carry this pack comfortably on your back.

e. Present yourself to your Counselor for inspection, correctly clothed, wearing you pack and with your check list, menu and provision list.

f. Show proper care of the feet and discuss with your Counselor the types of footwear for various weather conditions.

2. Improvise one emergency pack, using items readily available such as your clothes or rustic materials, keeping in mind that this pack should carry all gear and supplies needed for a three-day camp and meet requirements noted in 1c and 1d.

3. Show proper method for packing your full equipment on a pack frame or pack animal, using a diamond hitch or other suitable hitch.

4. a. Lay out a campsite selected for yourself and on or more companions and give satisfactory reasons for your choice with consideration for weather, terrain and water supply.  Make a sketch of the campsite.

b. On this campsite construct a field latrine suitable for you and one or more companions for a three-day camp.

c. Working alone, pitch a tent properly with consideration for weather and terrain.  Strike the tent and fold it neatly for packing.  Tent may be a Forester, Explorer, or any other type of trail tent.

d. Show proper ditching and explain when to ditch and when not to ditch.

e. Make a comfortable ground bed and sleep on it for at least two nights.  Native materials gathered nearby may be used if not contrary to local conservation practice.

f. Demonstrate how to dispose of garbage by burning and properly dispose of food cans.

5. Using natural material and/or items readily at hand, such as your pack frame:

a. Make a camp tale or food storage container.

b. Make on of the following:

(1) Tripod for suspending camp supplies and shear legs for rigging shelter, clothes line, or other camp convenience using proper lashing technique.


(2) Make a six-foot rope or line, capable of supporting 50 pounds, from natural materials.

6. Show the proper method for storing and protecting your full equipment against small animals, insects and wet weather.  Demonstrate how, on a rainy day, you would secure, prepare and protect your firewood, as well as cook a meal.

7. a. Demonstrate proper use of knife and axe in securing and preparing fuel, using natural material found on the spot.

b. Build two types of cooking fires and one fire for heating a tent or other types of open shelter.**

c. Show how to extinguish a fire properly.

8. Discuss with your Counselor how you would protect yourself against cold weather and wet weather if caught out on the trail without equipment except what you are wearing and your knife and axe.

9. a. Camp out a total of at least 20 days and 20 nights, sleeping each night under the sky, under a tent you have pitched, or improvised trail shelter you have made, and cook  for yourself or your Patrol at least 20 complete meals on these hikes or camps.

b. On all of these occasions leave a clean campsite with firewood neatly stacked and all rubbish disposed of properly.

10. Discuss with your Counselor the application of the experiences you have had in earning the Camping Merit Badge in relation to :  personal health and safety; survival; public health; good citizenship.


Requirements November 1959 until September 1967

1. a. Prepare a check list of person equipment necessary for a three-day camp.

b. Prepare a satisfactory menu and provision list for yourself and one or more companions for such a three-day camp.

c. Using your check list, assemble and pack this equipment and food properly for comfort and protection against bad weather.*

d. Carry this pack comfortably on your back.

e. Present yourself to your Counselor for inspection, correctly clothed, wearing you pack and with your check list, menu and provision list.

f. Show proper care of the feet and discuss with your Counselor the types of footwear for various weather conditions.

2. Improvise one emergency pack, using items readily available such as your clothes or rustic materials, keeping in mind that this pack should carry all gear and supplies needed for a three-day camp and meet requirements noted in 1c and 1d.

3. Show proper method for packing your full equipment on a pack frame or pack animal, using a diamond hitch or other suitable hitch.

4. a. Lay out a campsite selected for yourself and on or more companions and give satisfactory reasons for your choice with consideration for weather, terrain and water supply.  Make a sketch of the campsite.

b. On this campsite construct a field latrine suitable for you and one or more companions for a three-day camp.

c. Working alone, pitch a tent properly with consideration for weather and terrain.  Strike the tent and fold it neatly for packing.  Tent may be a Forester, Explorer, or any other type of trail tent.

d. Show proper ditching and explain when to ditch and when not to ditch.

e. Make a comfortable ground bed and sleep on it for at least two nights.  Native materials gathered nearby may be used if not contrary to local conservation practice.

f. Demonstrate how to dispose of garbage by burning and properly dispose of food cans.

5. Using natural material and/or items readily at hand, such as your pack frame:

a. Make a camp tale or food storage container.

b. Make on of the following:

(1) Tripod for suspending camp supplies and shear legs for rigging shelter, clothes line, or other camp convenience using proper lashing technique.


(2) Make a six-foot rope or line, capable of supporting 50 pounds, from natural materials.

6. Show the proper method for storing and protecting your full equipment against small animals, insects and wet weather.  Demonstrate how, on a rainy day, you would secure, prepare and protect your firewood, as well as cook a meal.

7. a. Demonstrate proper use of knife and axe in securing and preparing fuel, using natural material found on the spot.

b. Build two types of cooking fires and one fire for heating a tent or other types of open shelter.**

c. Show how to extinguish a fire properly.

8. Discuss with your Counselor how you would protect yourself against cold weather and wet weather if caught out on the trail without equipment except what you are wearing and your knife and axe.

9. a. Camp out a total of at least 20 days and 20 nights, sleeping each night under the sky, under a tent you have pitched, or improvised trail shelter you have made, and cook  for yourself or your Patrol at least 20 complete meals on these hikes or camps.

b. On all of these occasions leave a clean campsite with firewood neatly stacked and all rubbish disposed of properly.

10. Discuss with your Counselor the application of the experiences you have had in earning the Camping Merit Badge in relation to; personal health and safety; survival; public health; good citizenship.

First Class Test


CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT - Present yourself for inspection suitably clothed for the locality, season, and weather and equipped and packed for an overnight camp.


a. CAMP SITE - Select a site suitable for a patrol camp and explain your reasons for picking it.


a. CAMP MAKING - Sharpen an axe and use it for cutting light wood into tent pegs.  Locate a tent site and pitch a tent, fastening the guy lines with taut-line hitches.  Prepare a comfortable ground bed.  Make a piece of camp equipment requiring lashings.

b. CAMP HEALTH - Explain methods used in camp for care of food and drinking water, fire protection, and waste disposal.

c. WOOD LORE - Find ten kinds of wild trees or shrubs.  Tell what they are and explain their uses.


THE FIRST CLASS TEST CAMP - After you have done the above, prove yourself a Scout camper by camping, properly clothed and equipped, on a suitable camp site for not less than twenty-four hours with your patrol (or with at least one companion approved by your Scoutmaster).  During this camp, cook at least one hot meal, sleep in a tent or improvised shelter or under the stars, keep camp clean and safe, and leave camp sit in good condition.