Item Name: Chemistry 1913 - 1921

Item ID: Chemis-AH6

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

1. Define physical and chemical change.  Which occurs when salt is dissolved in water, milk sours, iron rusts, water boils, iron is magnetized and mercuric oxide is heated above the boiling point of mercury?

2. Give correct tests for oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, chlorine, and carbon dioxide gases.

3. Could you use the above gases to extinguish fire?  How?

4. Why can baking soda be used to put out a small fire?

5. Give tests for a chloride, sulphide, sulphate, nitrate, and carbonate.

6. Give the names of three commercial forms of carbon.  Tell how each is made and the purpose for which it is used.

7. What compound is formed when carbon is burned in air?

8. Tell process of making lime and mortar from limestone.

9. Why will fresh plaster harden quicker by burning charcoal in an open vessel near it


Requirements October 1914 until April 1929

1. Pass a satisfactory test in elementary general chemistry.

2. Give correct tests for oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, chlorine, and carbon dioxide gases.

3. Tell which gases of Requirement 2 can be used to extinguish fire and explain how it can be accomplished.

4. Explain why baking soda is used to put out a small fire and why salt is used to throw in the stove when the chimney is on fire.

5. Explain the use of analytical weights in chemical analysis.  Tell how a quantitative analysis differs from a qualitative analysis.

6. Give three commercial forms of carbon and tell how each is obtained.  State what forms, if any, have been prepared artificially and how.

7. Explain the process of making lime and mortar from limestone.

8. Explain the process of making charcoal.  Tell what gas is formed by burning of any form of carbon and what becomes of it.

9. Describe from observation a manufacturing plant which employs chemical process or processes.