Item Name: Citizenship in the Community 1969 - 1972

Item ID: CitCom-G2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

p style="margin-left: 20px; text-indent: -15px;">Requirements December 1966 until June 1972

1. Prepare a written outline of the history of your community, including such information as is known as to what Indian tribes once lived there, who the first non-Indian settlers were and when they came important historical events, and people who figured prominently int eh growth of the community.

2. Mark or point out on a map of your community:  (a) chief government buildings; (b) fire station, police station, and hospital nearest your home; (c) nearby schools, churches, and synagogues; (d) main highways to neighboring cities and towns; (e) nearest railroad and bus stations and airport, if any; (f) chief industries or office of county agricultural agent; (g) historical and other worthwhile points of interest.

3. From newspapers, radio, television, forums, or other sources of public information and discussion, gather opinion on both sides of a public issue and then give your own ideas on it.

5. Do TWO of the following four projects:

a. Draw a diagram of your village, town, city, or county government, showing top officials, courts, and administrative departments.  Indicate which officials are elected and which are appointed.

b. Tell how to do seven of the following in your community:

(1) report a fire
(2) report an automobile accident
(3) call an ambulance
(4) report damage to electric power, gas, or water supply system (5) report damage to or need of repairs on streets, roads, bridges, or sewage system
(6) obtain a bicycle license
(7) obtain a dog license
(8) report a contagious disease
(9) report a mad dog scare
(10) obtain a building permit
(11) call a veterinarian
(12) obtain help from your county agricultural agent.

6. Discuss with your counselor the way in which Scouting helps to train you for citizenship and give examples of democracy at work in your troop or Explorer post.

7. Vote regularly and take an active part in elections of officers and matters of business in your troop or Explorer unit, school, and other groups to which you belong.

8. List and briefly describe the work of five other volunteer organizations through which people of your community work together for the general welfare in such safety; disaster relief; care of orphans; aid to the poor; provision of recreational facilities; promotion of good business or better farming; improvement of labor conditions; or general civic improvement.

9. Do ONE of the following two projects: 

(a) Identify the principal political parties in your community or state and explain briefly their points of view on one public issue on which they disagree.

(b) Describe at least one vocational opportunity offered in your community in some form of public service.  Tell what personal qualifications you need for the job.

10. List and explain at least five privileges and forms of protection you enjoy as a citizen in your community, and describe your obligations to the community.

11. With the advice of your unit leader and counselor, plan your own program of community service and give at least ten hours of your time in carrying it out, or give ten hours of community service in a project carried out by your unit.

* These requirements are included in the Citizenship merit badge pamphlet.  In the District of Columbia, and to some extent in rural communities, merit badge counselors may adapt these requirements as necessary to apply to the local situation.