Item Name: Citizenshin in the Home 1952 - 1960

Item ID: CitHom-E2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1952 until June 1953

1. Discuss with your parents (or guardians) and your Merit Badge Counselor:  (a) the meaning of citizenship; (b) the importance of your home in your training for citizenship.

2. Submit a statement from your parents (or guardians) as evidence that you practice good citizenship at home by being courteous, fair and helpful to other members of your family.

3. Prepare a list of your regular home duties or chores (at least five), and, for at least one month, keep a record of how often you do them.

4. Discuss with your family the rights and obligations you have in a democracy as compared with those under a dictatorship.

5. (a) Make a health and safety check-up of your home, and help your family correct as many hazards as possible. (b) Work out with your family a plan of escape in case of fire in your home. (c) Tell where and how, in case of emergency, to shut off the supply of water, gas and electricity at the main controls in your home. (d) Tell how to get help in case of accident, illness, fire and other emergencies in your home.

6. Do at least one major "Good Turn" for your home (not simply routine duties).

7. Make a budget and keep a record of your own income and expenses for two months.

8. Submit a report on a family group activity which you helped to plan, prepare for and carry out.

NOTE: Merit Badge Counselors may adapt these requirements as necessary to meet special situations, such as not living in a family group.


Requirements 1953 until June 1972

1. Discuss with your parents (or guardians) and your Merit Badge Counselor: (a) the meaning of citizenship; (b) the importance of your home in your training for citizenship.

2. Submit a statement from your parents (or guardians) as evidence that you practice good citizenship at home by being courteous, fair and helpful to other members of your family.

3. Prepare a list of your regular home duties or chores (at least five), and, for at least one month, keep a record of how often you do them.

4. Discuss with your family the rights and obligations you have in a democracy as compared with those under a dictatorship.

5. (a) Make a health and safety checkup of your home and help your family correct as many hazards as possible. (b) Work out with your family a plan of escape in case of fire in your home. (c) Tell how to get help in case of accident, illness, fire, and other emergencies in your home.

6. Do at least one major "Good Turn" for your home (not simply routine duties).

7. Make a budget and keep a record of your own income and expenses for two months.

8. Submit a report on a family group activity which you helped to plan, prepare for and carry out.

NOTE: Merit Badge Counselors may adapt these requirements as necessary to meet special situations, such as not living in a family group.