Item Name: Dairying 1947 - 1960

Item ID: Dairyi-E2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1928 until June 1948

1. Understand the management of dairy cattle.

2. Be able to milk.

3. Understand pasteurization of milk, and care of dairy utensils and appliances.

4. Test at least five cows for ten days each, with the Babcock test, and make proper reports.


Comply with the 4H Club or Home Project Requirements in Dairying as follows:

1. Own a cow or calf.
2. Do all the work in its care and management.
3. Keep accurate cost account records.
4. Exhibit animal as required by state and county leaders in charge.
5. Make complete report at the end of season or year as required by leaders.


Requirements June 1948 until January 1957

1. Understand the management of dairy cattle.

2. Be able to milk.

3. Understand pasteurization of milk, and care of dairy utensils and appliances.

4. Test at least five cows for ten days each, with the Babcock test, and make proper reports.


Comply with the 4H Club or Home Project Requirements in Dairying.


Requirements January 1957 until October 1957

1. Understand the management of dairy cattle.

2. Be able to milk.

3. Understand pasteurization of milk, and care of dairy utensils and appliances.

4. Test at least five cows for ten days each, with the Babcock test, and make proper reports.

*This badge may also be earned by completing a 4-H Club project in this subject or an equivalent program in vocational agriculture as an FFA member.


Requirements October 1957 until September 1963

1. Understand the management of dairy cattle.

2. Be able to milk.

3. Understand pasteurization of milk, and care of dairy utensils and appliances.

4. Test the milk of at least five cows, for ten days each, with the Babcock test, and make proper reports.

* As a 4-H'er, complete a club project in this subject. Or an  FFA member, meet these or equivalent requirements through the FFA supervised farming program.