Item Name: Farm Home and Its Planning 1937 - 1938

Item ID: FarHom-C2a

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1929 until June 1952

1. Make a sketch of a farm house, showing location and relation of house to farm buildings, pens, yards, garden, fields with proper landscape effect.

2. Present a landscape plan for a farm home showing both front and back yard effect and show drainage plans.

3. Present a drawing plan of sewer disposal for a country home.

4. Describe the value of windbreaks for a rural home, and the kind of trees of most value for such purpose in his section.

5. Tell where and when he would plant nut and fruit trees for a country home.

6. Name seven suitable shrubs, plants and vines for the farm door yard.