Item Name: First Aid 1913 - 1921

Item ID: FirAid-AH05

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

1. Be able to demonstrate the Sylvester and Schaefer methods of resuscitation.

2. Carry a person down a ladder.

3. Bandage head and ankle.

4. Demonstrate treatment of wound of the neck with severe arterial hemorrhage.

5. Treat mangling injury of the leg without severe hemorrhage.

6. Demonstrate treatment for rupture of varicose veins of the leg with severe hemorrhage.

7. Show treatment for bite of finger by mad dog.

8. Demonstrate rescue of person in contact with electric wire.

9. Apply tourniquet to a principal artery.

10. State chief differences between carbolic poisoning and intoxication.

11. Explain what to do for snake bite.

12. Pass first aid test of American Red Cross Society.


Requirements October 1914 until May 1925.

1. Be able to tell what to do with an apparently drowned person, and demonstrate the Sylvester and Schaefer methods of artificial respiration.

2. Show how to apply bandages to the head, ankle, and hand.

3. Show how to apply a tourniquet to stop arterial hemorrhage at any point:

(a) on the upper extremity below armpit;
(b) on lower extremity below hip joint.

4. Demonstrate how to arrest venous hemorrhage on any part of the body.

5. Show how to apply a gauze dressing to a wound so that it will not be contaminated - that is, do it in an aseptic manner.

6. Show how to support by splints, etc., a broken arm or a broken leg so that the patient can bear transportation.

7. Be able to explain what to do for the bite of a mad dog, a venomous snake, a mosquito, and a scorpion sting.

8. Show how to rescue an individual from contact with an electric wire.

9. Produce satisfactory evidence that he has taken advantage of every opportunity to put into actual practice his knowledge of first-aid work during a period of at least six months since becoming a first class scout.