Item Name: Firemanship 1911

Item ID: Firema-1911

Collector Rating: 10

Additional Info:

Earned By: Charles Luce, Utica, New York; Richard Burckes, Waltham, Mass.; Abner H. Barker, Boston, Mass., 29 6th St.; Earl Marx, 1654 Main St. Jacksonville, Fla.; Bruce K. Brown, Wilmette, 111; Kingsley L. Rice, Wilmette, 111.; Alfred Schmidt, Wilmette, 111.; Ralph S. Patten, Wilmette, 111.; Bernard Brown, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Requirements August 1911 until August 1922

1. Know how to turn in an alarm for fire.

2. Know how to enter burning buildings.

3. Know how to prevent panics and the spread of fire.

4. Understand the use of hose, - unrolling, joining-up, connecting to hydrant, use of nozzle, etc.

5. Understand the use of escapes, ladders, and chutes, and know the location of exits in buildings which he frequents.

6. Know how to improvise ropes and nets.

7. Explain what to do in case of panic, understand the fireman's lift and drag, and how to work in fumes.

8. Understand the use of fire extinguishers; how to rescue animals; how to save property; how to organize a bucket brigade; and how to aid the police in keeping back crowds.