Item Name: Food Systems 1972 - 1975

Item ID: FooSys-H2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements February 1979 until September 1987

1. Tell about the system for producing, processing, and distributing food in the United States. Explain why foods are processed and what types are canned, frozen, or dried.

2. Do the following:

(a) Make a chart of a single food item of livestock origin. Show how it moves through the system from a basic source of supply through farm production, processing, distribution, possible storage, and from food store to your table. List what happens at each step. Tell how the steps in the movement from point of origin to your table are related.
(b) Make a chart of a single food item of crop origin. Show how it moves through the system from a basic source of supply through farm production and harvest, processing, distribution, possible storage, and from food store to your table. List what happens at each step. Tell how the steps of movement from point of origin to your table are related.
(c) Tell how your parents feel about how well the food system meets their need for these two food items.

3. Make a list of 10 different kinds of businesses in your community that depend for a large share of their business upon some part of the food system. 

4. From the following list, visit three different places:

(a) farm supply sotre, (b) farm, (c) place where farm products are sold such as: livestock auction, farmers' market, grain elevator; (d) food processing or manufacturing plant, (e) food warehouse or distribution center, (f) retail food store, (g) farm machinery manufacture or sales, (h) food transportation company, (i) restaurant, (j) food import or export company. Make a list of five questions you want answered, including one on jobs. Talk with the owner or manager to get your answers. Report on your visits. Explain what you found out. Tell how the places you visited fit into the food system.

5. Make a list of five jobs in the food system. Tell how you would prepare for one of these jobs.