Item Name: Horsemanship 1969 - 1972

Item ID: Horsem-G

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1969 until June 1972

1. Name at least 15 principal parts of a horse.

2. Name four leading breeds of horses and explain fully for what each breed is noted.

3. Demonstrate the proper care of saddle and bridle and name the principal parts of the saddle and bridle.

4. Demonstrate ability to properly groom, pick out feet, and generally care for horse after riding.

5. Describe the symptoms of colic and four other common horse diseases.

6. Explain three principal defects of feet or legs and explain how to detect.

7. Describe the correct method of feeding the horse that you use for this test. Explain why the amount and type of feed will vary according to the work the horse does and the type of horse he is.

8. Demonstrate ability to lead a horse from a stall, corral or field, and saddle and bridle properly.

9. On level ground continuously execute the following movements correctly, at ease and in sympathy with the horse:

(a) Mount.
(b) Walk horse in a straight line for at least 60 feet.
(c) Make a half circle of not over 16 feet in radius at walk.
(d) Trot in a straight line for at least 60 feet.
(e) Make a half circle at trot of not over 20 feet.
(f) Canter in a large circle 20 feet or over in radius on proper lead.
(g) Change direction either by reversing at canter and changing leads or coming down to a walk, reversing, and taking up canter on proper lead.
(h) Halt straight.
(i) Back up straight four paces.
(j) Halt and dismount.

10. Show how to safely approach and remove a horse from a stall in case of fire.