Item Name: Indian Lore 1937 - 1938

Item ID: IndLor-C2a

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements March 1931 until January 1960

1. Give history of the Indian Tribe that once lived nearest his home, telling something of their customs and habits, where the survivors remain, and their present condition. Visit them is possible.

2. Make an Indian costume complete and correct as to detail for one of the tribal groups, to consist of head-dress, shirts, leggings or kilt, and moccasins.


Make and decorate authentically three of the following articles, using Indian methods in so far as possible; drum (ton-tom), rattle, bow and arrows, quiver, coup stick, or lance, pipe, pipe bag, belt, war bonnet, crow belt or "bustle", war club, totem pole, council seat or canoe paddle.

3. Make a model of a tepee, or of any other type of Indian dwelling.

4. Take part in an Indian Pageant, entertainment, or camp fire ceremonial in which at least three dances based on authentic Indian themes are used.

5. Sing three Indian songs including the Omaha Tribal Prayer and tell something of their meaning.

6. Demonstrate three Indian games that can be played in camp or at meetings.

7. Know at least fifty signs in the Indian Sign Language and with them carry on a conversation for three minutes, or tell a story in sign talk that will take at least that much time.