Item Name: Life Saving 1934 - 1935

Item ID: LifSav-B2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1929 until September 7, 1937. Between September 7, 1937 and January 1, 1938 these requirements were optional

To obtain a Merit Badge for Life Saving, a Scout must first have met the Merit Badge Requirements for Swimming, must have spent at least six hours in preparation and practice, and must demonstrate the following:

1. In deep water, disrobe and swim 100 yards.

2. Surface dive in 6 to 8 feet, recovering various objects three times, and a 10-pound weight once.

3. Correct approach, 30 feet, and head carry, 30 feet.

4. Correct approach, 30 feet, and cross-chest carry, 30 feet.

5. Correct approach, 30 feet, and hair or arm-lock carry, 30 feet.

6. Tired swimmer's carry, 30 feet, preceded by 30-foot approach.

7. Release double grip on one wrist. Left and right.

8. Release front strangle hold. Left and right.

9. Release back strangle hold. Left and right.

10. Resuscitation 1-1/2 minutes' demonstration, prone pressure method.