Item Name: Mining 1913 - 1921

Item ID: Mining-AH2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

1. Know and name fifty minerals.

2. Know, name and describe the fourteen great divisions of the earth's crust (according to Geikie).

3. Define and watershed, delta, drift, fault, glacier, terrace, stratum, dip; and identify ten different kinds of rock.

4. Describe methods for mine ventilation and safety devices.

Requirements October 1914 until March 1927

To obtain a merit badge for Mining, a scout must:

1. Identify and describe twenty-five minerals.

2. Define vein, placer, lode, stratum, dip, strike, joint, fault; and identify ten different kinds of rocks.

3. State what metals are mined from placer. State in what general respects placer mining differs from lode or vein mining.

4. Describe how mines are ventilated. Give the conditions that differentiate coal mining from metal mining.

5. Describe systems for mine ventilation, safety devices, and rescue methods as taught by the American Red Cross Society.