Item Name: Personal Fitness 1976 - 1978

Item ID: PerFit-H3

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until May 1990

If meeting Nos. 1 and 5 are against the Scout's religious convictions, they will not have to be done if the boy's parents and proper church officials state in writing that:

(a) To do so would be against religious convictions.
(b) The parents accept full responsibility for anything that might happen because of such exemption. They release the Boy Scouts of America from any responsibility.

1. Before you try to meet any other tests, have your physician give you a thorough health examination. He is to use the Scout medical examination form. Describe the examination. Tell what questions you asked about your health. Tell what recommendations your doctor made. Report what you have done about them.

2. Explain what physical and mental health means to you including:

(a) Reasons for being fit.
(b) Normal differences in rate of growth and development.
(c) What it means to be mentally healthy. Discuss three healthy personality traits.

3. Show you know health facts by answering questions asked on the following:

(a) Basic foods needed in the daily diet of a person of your age.
(b) Cleanliness of the hands, food, and dishes in the control of illness.
(c) Bad effects of tobacco and alcohol, and the use and abuse of drugs.
(d) The illnesses against which you may be immunized or otherwise protected.

4. Present a list of your health habits including:

(a) Number of hours of sleep.
(b) Care of your skin, hands, fingernails, toenails.
(c) Care of your eyes.
(d) Care of your ears.

5. Have an examination made by your dentist. Get a statement saying that your teeth have been checked and cared for. Tell how you care for your teeth.

6. Carry out daily for 4 weeks six exercises suitable for all-around physical development. Use those that strengthen your arms, shoulders, chest, abdomen, back, legs, and one for endurance. Pick three activities from No. 7. Test yourself at the beginning and weekly during the 4 weeks. Show the record of your test. This is to be completed before starting No. 7.

7. Fitness Tests: Earn a minimum of 200 points. These 200 points must come from not more than 5 events. Only one alternate, A or B, is allowed in each event.

EVENT 1 Swimming (50 point maximum)

A. 20-yard speed swim--5 points for each second faster than 25 seconds

B. Distance swim--50 points for swimming 1 mile, 25 points for swimming 1/2 mile

EVENT 2 Arm Strength (50 point maximum)

A. Pull-ups--10 points for each pull-up

B. Push-ups--2 points for each push-up

EVENT 3 Abdominal Power (50 point maximum)

A. Bent-knee sit-ups--1 point for each sit-up

EVENT 4 Speed Running (50 point maximum)

A. 50-yard dash--2 points for each 1/10 of a second faster than 9 seconds

B. 40-yard shuttle run--2 points for each 1/10 of a second faster than 12 seconds

EVENT 5 Endurance Running or Walking (50 point maximum)

A. 600-yard run-walk--1 point for each second faster than 2 minutes 50 seconds

B. Mile walk--10 points for each minute faster than 18 minutes

EVENT 6 Jumping (50 point maximum)

A. Standing long jump--5 points for each inch over 5 feet

B. Vertical jump and reach--5 points for each inch over 9 inches

EVENT 7 Body Coordination (50 point maximum)

A. Basketball throw--2 points for each foot over 50 feet

B. Softball throw--1 point for each foot over 100 feet

8. Show that you are reasonably good in one team or one individual sport.