Item Name: Public Speaking 1932 - 1933

Item ID: PubSpe-AT1

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements April 1932 until September 1944

1. (a) Articulate correctly all the English speech sounds;

(b) Pronounce distinctly and correctly according to a recognized authority, one hundred words in common use, generally mispronounced, and including words having the Italian A, words with long U, words with the diphthong OU or OW and words with the long OO;

(c) Use correctly each word in the list (b) in a sentence; pronouncing the same correctly and distinctly;

(d) Read aloud, correctly and distinctly, a newspaper editorial of about five hundred words.

2. (a) Make an original address of not less than five minutes' duration, before an audience of at least twenty-five persons, on some phase of Scoutcraft, demonstrating both physical and mental poise in the presentation of his subject;

(b) Be an active member of a debating team for at least six months prior to taking the test, and participate at least once, in a public debate, as a member of the team;

(c) Describe orally any process, game, undertaking, experience, or proposed adventure, in as coherent a manner as might be expected in an essay written on the subject;

(d) From a list of five major events in our National History, describe orally, two, of his own selection, giving sufficient detail to show his general familiarity with the topic selected.

3. Demonstrate ability before his Counselor to give a satisfactory extemporaneous speech of at least two minutes' duration on a subject of interest to the Scout, selected by the Counselor.

4. (a) Organize at least fifteen persons into a parliamentary group for the conduct of business;

(b) Preside over the meeting and demonstrate a knowledge of the order of procedure in motions, and ability to decide and rule on points of order.