Item Name: Reading 1939 - 1943

Item ID: Readin-C5

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements April 1932 until November 1938

1. Present a list of at least twelve books read during the past year, including among the twelve books read, three standard works, and three on some phase of Scouting.

2. Present a book review or tell which books he likes best and why.

3. Describe the character in fiction he liked best in his reading.

4. If a library is available, have a membership card, which must be presented to his Counselor.

5. List several books he plans to read in the next twelve months.

6. Tell where he gets his books, and present a list of books which he owns.

7. Name the books which his reading, or speaking about, has encouraged other Scouts to read. Give the names of boys or boy.

8. Be a subscriber and a reader of a boy's magazine for at least the preceding six months.

9. Tell what other magazines he reads and why.

10. Present a short essay on the value of reading.

Requirements November 1939 until June 1952

1. Have read at least twelve books* within the past year (not more than three of these from school outside reading requirements). The twelve books to include at least one each from three of the following classifications--fiction, adventure, Scouting, biography, technical or scientific reading, travel, poetry, or books on hobbies. Present list of books read and authors.

2. Indicate the places in his community or county from which he may borrow, rent, or purchase books, and present library card or other evidence of how he secured the books read in Requirement No. 1.

3. Develop a satisfactory bibliography from public or school library index, from publishers' catalog, government lists, or other source, on one of his hobbies or special interests, and include at least two of these among twelve books read in Requirement No. 1.

4. List the books he owns as a start toward a personal library.

5. Report on newspapers or news magazines he reads to keep posted on current events.

6. Be a subscriber OR a regular reader of a magazine* for at least the preceding six months. Report any other magazines read.

7. Locate and deliver reading matter to some shut-in or sick person; or help someone find books on his hobby; or render service to his school or public library; or perform some similar service.

* Must be approved by Counselor.