Item Name: Scholarship 1939 - 1943

Item ID: Schola-C5

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements April 1932 until October 1939

1. Have been in attendance at school, grammar, high, private, or night school, for a period of at least one year since becoming a First-Class Scout.

2. Present a certificate from the teacher or principal covering the same period and showing:

(a) That his attendance has been satisfactory;

(b) That his deportment has been above the average;

(c) That he has been in upper third of his class in scholarship.

Requirements October 1939 until June 1952

1. Have in attendance at school, (grammar, high, private or night school), for a period of at least one year since becoming a First Class Scout.

2. Present evidence from teacher or principal that during this period, (a) his attendance has been satisfactory, and (b) he has ranked in the upper third of his school in scholarship.

3. Present evidence that he has taken a satisfactory part in the life of his school.

4. Give evidence of at least five instances where his school training has been of value to him in Scouting and other activities or interests outside of school.

5. Give evidence that he has made use of educational resources other than those of his school, outlining at least five instances where he has used such resources for self-education.