Item Name: Sculpture 1913 - 1921

Item ID: Sculpt-AH2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1911 until October 1914

I. Make a clay model from an antique design.

2. Make a drawing and a model from nature, these models to be faithful to the original and of artistic design.

Requirements October 1914 until April 1929

I. Make a shaded drawing in pencil or charcoal of a cylindrical object and rectangular object grouped together a little below the eye.

2. Model in clay or plasteline two or more examples of Greek or Renaissance ornament, from a cast or mode.

3. Make a copy in clay or plasteline in full size, of a part of an antique statue, as a head, a hand, or a foot.

4. Make a statue "in the round" of a head, of life size, from a living model.

5. Make a study "in the round" of an animal or a group of animals.