Item Name: Zoology 1936 - 1937

Item ID: Zoolog-C1a

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements March 1931 until May 1940

1. (a) Name the phyla of animals.

(b) Give the meanings of the names of such phyla.

2. (a) Define the terms vertebrate and invertebrate.

(b) Give example of each.

3. Classify into vertebrate or invertebrate, and name the phylum or class of each the following: bees, crayfish, worms, snails, spiders, sponges, cats, birds, snakes, bats, jellyfish, corals, oysters, butterflies, amoeba, paramecia, man.

4. Know the correct methods of dissecting an invertebrate and a vertebrate.

5. Be able to dissect a frog and a worm.

6. In the frog find and tell uses of: ear, tongue, lung, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus, liver, heart, nerves, blood vessels.

7. In the earthworm, find and tell uses of: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, crop, gizzard, intestine, dorsal blood vessel.

8. Draw the arterial system of the frog and the circulatory system of the earthworm.

9. (a) Know what a fertilized egg is.

(b) Describe its development to the end of the gastrula stage of the embryo.

10. Define zoology.