Item Name: Den Chief 1972 - 1974

Item ID: DCB-1-7-1

Collector Rating: 1

June 1972 – July 1981

  • The Den chief ia an appointed troop officer.
  • He is the activities assistant in one den of a Cub pack.

In the troop, he is responsible to whatever leader is in charge of the den chief program. Meanwhile, as a Scout, he is a member of a patrol.

Den chiefs should not hold a second leadership office in the troop. For example, being both a den chief and a patrol leader may require more time than most Scouts can give.

The den chief may be trained for his work by the Cub pack or by the den chief coordinator (JASM or leadership corps). His week-to-week responsibilities in the den are assigned by the den leader. His example encourages younger boys to become Scouts.