Item Name: Architecture 1961 - 1968

Item ID: Archit-F

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1952 until September 1963

1. Present a satisfactory freehand drawing.

2. Draw without accurate measurements the five orders of architecture, the drawings being of the character of sketches, but preserving the proportions.

3. Write a historical outline of the important periods of architectural development, giving the names of the important recognized architects identified with the development of each style.

4. Submit an original design for a house of four or more rooms, giving an outline of specifications, the design to consist of original working drawings at scale, drawn in ink on linen or paper suitable for making prints.

Requirements September 1963 until June 1972

1. Write a brief statement concerning some period of history that influenced architecture. Compare the activities and the buildings of the selected period with those of the present in the United States.

2. Write a brief description of a building you admire. Describe its arrangement, exterior, interior, and surroundings and state the function for which the building was designed.

3. Make a freehand sketch of a building you admire (other than the one described), using any medium desired.

4. Measure a building, preferably the one you sketched, and make a drawing of it at a scale of 1/4 inch equal to 1 foot. This should include one plan and one architectural detail such as a doorway, unusual window, etc. It may be in pencil on tracing paper or heavy drawing paper. Use simple architectural letters for title, subtitles, scale, and names of rooms.