Item Name: Art 1942 - 1945

Item ID: Art-D2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements October 1914 until December 1943

1. Make a free-hand sketch of an animal or bird showing in values the distribution of color.

2. Draw a cylindrical object and a rectangular object grouped together a little below the eye, and show light and shade.

3. Make a drawing of some example of historical ornament.

4. Make an original decorative arraignment in color, using any motif, and state for what use the design was intended.

5. State the essentials of the reproductive processes of etching, half-tone engraving, color printing, and lithography.

6. Paint a flower-spray or a leaf-spray in color.

7. Present a camp scene either in water color or oil.


Requirements December 1943 until January 1965

1. Make a sketch of (a) some Scout equipment grouped together; (b) a camp scene from nature; (c) an event from memory or imagination.  Draw one in pen and ink, one in pencil or charcoal, and paint one in color.

2. Design a decoration for some article of his own.

3. Tell how his art work would be reproduced-- (a) by line cut; (b) by half-tone process; (c) by lithography.