Item Name: Automotive Safety 1972 - 1974

Item ID: AutSaf-H1

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until 1974

1. On a car, preferably the family car, point out the following:

(a) Ten supplemental safety items which are or should be there for accident prevention.

(b) Three safety items which are or should be present to lower the chance of death or injury in an accident.

            Explain the value, use, and maintenance of each.

2. Do the following:

(a) Check how all outside lights are working.

(b) Check all inside lights are working.

(c) Find and change a fuse for the lights or horn.

(d) Check the windshield-wiper blade by smear-and-clear test. Put in a new blade. Test again.

(e) Set rearview mirrors for best vision when seated at the wheel. Eliminate the “blind” place to left rear 20 feet from the back of the car.

(f) With car stopped, check brake pedal with full pressure. Find out whether the pedal moves less than half way. Then hold pressure 30 seconds or more to make sure it does not move further.

3. Check used tires at a service station for inside or outside defects. Check the tires on a car (preferably the family car), including the spare, for safe condition. Check pressure once a week, for a month. Keep a record. Explain what was found. Give the meaning. Tell how to correct when needed.

4. Mark how far a car would go during the time needed to decide and act, and the braking distance needed to stop a car going 60 miles an hour on dry pavement. Discuss how much more it would take in bad weather and with poor road conditions.

5. Explain or answer questions about the seriousness and the size of the traffic accident problem. Visit your police department, sheriff’s office, or state highway patrol. Get facts on at least two serious accident cases. Tell what driving and safety rules were violated. Tell how these accidents might have been prevented.

6. Do the following:

(a) Show six ways in which a passenger can help in the safe operation of a car in which he is riding. Explain what you would do if you were in a car being driven in a reckless manner.

(b) Using a bicycle, show four safe practices for both bicycle and automobile driving.

(c) Get the driver’s manual of your state. Point out the things you must do to get a driver’s license.

(d) Draw the different shapes of six traffic signs. Explain the  meaning of each.

7. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Report on one important community activity for traffic safety.

(b) Report on a traffic safety project in which you took part with others.

(c) Report on a project you carried out alone in promoting traffic safety.