Item Name: Aviation 1939 - 1943

Item ID: Aviati-C5

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1928 until October 1939

1. Have a knowledge of the theory of the airplane, helicopter, and ornithopter, and of the spherical and dirigible balloon.

2. Have made a working model of any type of heavier than air machine that will fly at least twenty-five yards; and have built a box kite that will fly.

3. Have a knowledge of the types and makes of engines used for airplanes, the best known makes of airplanes, and feats performed of records made by famous aviators.

4. Have a knowledge of names of famous airships (dirigibles) and some of their records.

5. Understand the differences between aviation and aerostation, and know the types of apparati which come under these two heads.  

Requirements October 1939 until December 1942

1. Know (a) the basic theory of flight; (b) the principal upon which lighter-than-air aircraft operate.

2. Make rough sketches or diagrams to show that he can distinguish between an airplane, a seaplane, an amphibian, a flying boat, an autogiro, and a helicopter.

3. Construct at least two different successful flying models from the types listed in Requirement No. 2.

4. Name three types of aircraft engines and explain the advantages of each. Know the construction of each and how each operates.