Item Name: Bee Keeping 1939 - 1943

Item ID: BeeKee-C5

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1928 until June 1948

1. Examine a colony of bees, remove the combs, find the queen, and determine the amount of the brood, number of queen cells, and the amount of honey in the hive.

2. Distinguish between the drones, workers, eggs, larvae, pupae, honey, wax, pollen, and propolis; tell how the bees make the honey, and where the wax comes from; and explain the part played in the life of the colony by the queen, the drones, and the workers.

3. Have had experience in hiving or artificially dividing at least one swarm. Explain the construction of the modern hive, especially in regard to the “Bee Spaces.”

4. Put foundations in sections and fill supers with sections; and also remove filled supers from the hive and prepare the honey for market.

5. Write an acceptable article of not more than two hundred words on the differences in honeys according to the flowers from which the nectar is obtained.


Comply with the 4H Club or home Project Requirements in Bee Keeping as follows:

1. Own a hive of bees.
2. Do all work in care and management of the hive of bees.
3. Keep accurate cost account record of Bee Keeping during the season or year.

4. Exhibit honey samples as required by leaders in charge of 4H Club work.
5. Make complete report at the end of season or year as required by leaders showing profit or loss.