Item Name: Beef Production 1939 - 1943

Item ID: BeePro-C5

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1929 until September 1944

1. Visit county, or state fair, or agricultural school and, from stock observed, name four breeds and show or explain markings and other characteristics for which each breed is noted.

2. Interview three farmers raising beef cattle, and state information received for fattening a pen of 2-year-old beef cattle after taking them from green pasture.

3. Explain fully what is meant by Baby Beef production.

4. Show a cost accounting record of beef cattle covering a ten month’s feeding program.

5. After visiting a stock show, or state experimental farm, describe your favorite breed of beef cattle. Give reasons.

6. Make a barn yard plan for proper handling of 60 head of beef cattle through the winter. Explain what parts of the plan are worked out on your own or another beef farm.

7. Tell the origin and history of one breed of beef cattle from their wild state to the present.


Comply with the 4H Club work or Home Project Requirements in Beef Production as follows:

1. Own a beef animal.
2. Do all the work in its care and management.
3. Keep accurate cost account records.
4. Exhibit animal as required by state and county leaders in charge.
5. Make complete report at end of season or year as required by leaders.