Item Name: Bird Study 1914 - 1921

Item ID: BirStu-AH4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements March 1915 until May 1925

1. Produce a list of fifty species of wild birds which have been personally observed, and positively identified in the field.

2. Produce a list showing the greatest number of species that he has seen in the field in one wee.

3. Produce a list, derived from personal observation, of twenty species of birds particularly noted for their value to agriculture in the destruction of insects.

4 Produce a list, derived from personal reading, of ten birds of prey particularly useful in the destruction of rats and mice.

5. Name ten species of birds particularly useful in protecting the trunks of trees from borers, bark-lice, and scale insects.

6. Describe at least two bird boxes and two food tables that have been erected y him, the species of birds that have been attracted by them, and how many of the birds have nested in these boxes.

7. State what he has done to protect birds from wicked and unjust slaughter; to promote long, close seasons for vanishing species; and to promote the creation of bird preserves and sanctuaries.