Item Name: Blacksmithing 1938 - 1939

Item ID: Blacks-C3

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements October 1914 until April 1952

1. Make an open link of 3/8-inch stock.

2. Forge a chain hook out of 3/4 x 1/2-inch soft steel, or 3/4-inch round iron.

3. Make a bolt out of 1/2-inch stock.

4. Bend and weld three links and form them into a chain, these links to be fastened to the hook of Requirement 2 by a ring, and links and ring to be made out of 3/8-inch round iron.

5. Make a straight lap weld of 1/4 x 1-inch stock.

6.  Make a cold chisel out of 5/8-inch hexagonal tool steel.

7. Temper a rock drill.

8. Explain how to harden and temper a cold chisel.