Item Name: Bookbinding 1947 - 1960

Item ID: Bookbi-E2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements December 1940 until February 1955

1.  Rebind a book or a volume of a magazine, using book binder’s board and book cloth.

2.  Make a scrape book using book binder’s board and book cloth or a worthy substitute.


Requirements February 1955 until September 1970

1. Briefly describe the two principal sewing methods of binding or rebinding books by hand; tell when each should be use.

2. Make a scrapbook using binder's board and book cloth or a worthy substitute.

3. Rebind a book of four or more issues of a magazine, using binder's board and book cloth.

4. Visit a bindery and make an oral report to your counselor on the observed method of binding a book, pamphlet, or magazine. or Write an article of at least 200 words on bookbinding as a career.