Item Name: Botany 1922

Item ID: Botany-AH3

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1921 until April 1930

1. Produce specimens of 50 species of flowering plants without the roots (and in addition, where possible, 5 ferns) collected an named by himself.

2. Be able to identify 10 plants by their seeds.  Produce specimens of the seeds.

3. Give a list of at least 5 plants that are usually found growing together in woodlands, or 5 near water; and 5 found in open fields, or 5 along roadsides.  Produce specimens.

4. Tell the parts of a complete flower.  Submit drawings.

5. Tell in a general way how plants manufacture their food.

6. Explain how ferns differ from flowering plants; and tell how they are reproduced.

7. Submit specimens collected by himself (with names if known) of 5 Fungi, 5 Algae or 5 Lichens:  5 mosses or 5 Liverworts; or if specializing in any one of the above classes, submit 10 different species of that class.

8. Name 5 kinds of edible wild fruits; 5 plants used medicinally and tell what used for; 3 wild plants that can be cooked as "greens," and 2 edible "roots".

9. Submit an essay of at least 200 words on the "Conservation of Wild Flowers," naming at least 4 in danger of extinction.