Item Name: Botany 1936 - 1937

Item ID: Botany-C1

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements March 1931 until December 1940. Between December 1940 and January 1, 1942 these requirements were optional

1. Produce specimens of 50 species of flowering plants other than trees, without the roots (and in addition, where possible, 5 ferns) collected and named by himself; or in camp point out the different species to the Counselor in the field.

2. Be able to identify 10 plants by their seeds.  Produce specimens of the seeds.

3. Give a list of at least 5 plants that are usually found growing together in woodlands, or 5 near water; and 5 found in open fields, or 5 along roadsides.  Produce specimens.

4. Tell the parts of a complete flower.  Submit drawings.

5. Tell in a general way how plants manufacture their food.

6. Explain how ferns differ from flowering plants; and tell how they are reproduced.

7. Submit specimens collected by himself (with names if known) of 5 Fungi, 5 Algae or 5 Lichens:  5 mosses or 5 Liverworts; or if specializing in any one of the above classes, submit 10 different species of that class.

8. Name 5 kinds of edible wild fruits; 5 plants used medicinally and tell what used for; 3 wild plants that can be cooked as "greens," and 2 edible "roots".

9. Submit an essay of at least 200 words on the "Conservation of Wild Flowers," naming at least 4 in danger of extinction.