Item Name: Business 1912

Item ID: Busine-AH1

Collector Rating: 9

Requirements June 1911 until August 1911

            Write a business and personal letter. State fundamental principles of buying and selling. Simple bookkeeping. Keep a present and actual account of personal receipts and expenditure for half a year. How much money would need to be invested at 5 percent to earn your weekly allowance of spending money for a year.


Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

1. Write a satisfactory business, and a personal letter.

2. State fundamental principles of buying and selling.

3. Know simple bookkeeping.

4. Keep a complete and actual account of personal receipts and expenditures for six months.

5. State how much money would need to be invested at 5 percent to earn his weekly allowance of spending money for a year.