Item Name: Business 1913 - 1921

Item ID: Busine-AH4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

1. Write a satisfactory business, and a personal letter.

2. State fundamental principles of buying and selling.

3. Know simple bookkeeping.

4. Keep a complete and actual account of personal receipts and expenditures for six months.

5. State how much money would need to be invested at 5 percent to earn his weekly allowance of spending money for a year.


Requirements October 1914 until April 1923

1. Write a satisfactory business, and a personal letter.

2. Know simple bookkeeping, or shorthand and typewriting.

3. Keep a complete and actual account of personal receipts and expenditures for six months.

4. Be prepared to answer questions and problems in interest, percentage, and discount.

5. Present the certificate of his employers that for the period of six months preceding he has put into practice the Scout Oath and Law and shown efficiency in his application to business; that he has been prompt and regular in his attendance, and has shown due regard for his general appearance by keeping his hair combed, his hands, nails, and teeth clean, his shoes shined, and his clothes clean and orderly.