Item Name: Camping 1942 - 1945

Item ID: Campin-D2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements December 1941 until June 1953

1. (a) Have camped out fifty days and nights, sleeping under canvas, or under approved camp shelter, or in the open-including ten nights on hikes, during which ten nights he has set up or improvised his own shelter and cooked his own food, and

(b) Submit evidence that this camping was done under conditions in harmony with the Standards for Camping of the Boy Scouts of America.

2. Demonstrate how to put up and ditch a tent and arrange for over-night shelter in all weathers.

3. While on a hike or camp make a camp bed on the ground, using native materials gathered near-by, and seep on bed at least one night.

4. (a) Make a fire by rubbing sticks, using in so far as possible, native materials which he has gathered on hikes or in camp, OR

(b) make a fire with flint and steel, using for tinder, native materials which he has personally gathered.

5. (a) Describe a camp-site which he has selected for a Patrol or Troop Camp, and give satisfactory reason for his choice, and

(b) Draw a ground plan for a lay-out of such camp, including location of spring or drinking water supply.  Describe in writing (with illustrations) construction of a sanitary latrine and suitable means of disposal of garbage and refuse.

6. Construct a raft which will carry two people and their duffle safely, and demonstrate his ability to make practical use of it, OR either of the two following alternatives as determined by the local Committee of Advancement:

(a) Construct a model raft about 18 x 36 inches in size, to be fastened together with cord, bark, vines, etc.; no metal fasteners to be used.  Describe the dimensions and kind of material required for the raft of which this is a model.

(b) Demonstrate ability to throw a diamond hitch and some other packing hitches, and properly pack camp equipment and supplies on a pack animal or dummy.

7. (a) Present himself for inspection correctly clothed and equipped for a three-day camp, and

(b) Demonstrate his ability to pack properly against wet weather and transport this equipment on his back, and

(c) Submit a satisfactory menu and list of provisions for a three-day camp.

8. Tell what precautions should be taken on a Patrol or Troop hike or camp; (a) during the swimming period, (b) in the use of boats or canoes.