Item Name: Canoeing 1972 - 1975

Item ID: Canoei-H2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until December 1977

1. Before doing other requirements, swim 100 yards as follows:  75 yards with any strokes.  Then 25 yards on your back using an easy resting stroke.  Then rest by floating as still as you can for 1 minute.

2. Point out and name each part of the canoe and paddles you are using.

3. With a partner about your size, and using a properly equipped canoe:

(a) Launch and get in the bow of the canoe properly from dock or shore (both, if possible).  Give directions to your partner.

(b) Paddle on one side only 100 yards using a single-blade paddle while kneeling on one or both knees.  Turn and paddle back.  Show proper form in the following strokes:  bow, diagonal draw, pushover, backwater, reverse sweep, quarter sweep, stop.

(c) Change paddle to other side and repeat No. 3b.

(d) Change places with your partner while your canoe is afloat.  On one or both knees, in the stern, paddle 100 yards and return.  Keep the canoe on a straight course.

(e) Make a proper landing at dock or shore.

4. While alone in a canoe:

(a) Show eight single-blade strokes: (1) J, (2) draw, (3) stop, (4) pushover, (5) sweep, (6) reverse, (7) scull, (8) outside pivot.

(b) Go five times around a short, irregular marked course.  Paddle on one side only.  Use the right strokes at the right time.

(c) Use a single-blade or double-blade paddle.  Paddle over a 100-yard straight course.  Return using the right strokes.

5. While fully dressed and alone in a canoe, do the following:*

(a) Jump into the water feet first, keeping hold of the canoe with one hand.  Climb back in without shipping water.

(b) Tip the canoe over in deep water about 50 feet from the landing place.

(c) Turn it right side up.  Stow paddle and kneeling pad.  Get in the filled canoe.  Paddle with hands or paddle for 25 yards.

(d) Go overboard..  Hold on with one hand.  Swim and tow or push the canoe to shore.

(e) Empty the canoe.  Store it properly with help if needed.

6. Get in the bow with a partner in the stern.  Help two persons who have tipped their canoe over and are hanging on to it.  Empty the filled canoe over your own canoe.  Steady it while they climb in.

7. Discuss:

(a) Canoe trip preparations and safety.

(b) How to repair a hole or break in a canvas-covered canoe, an aluminum canoe, and a fiber-glass canoe.

(c) Other uses of the canoe such as racing and sailing.

(d) Explain lining and poling.  Tell the differences between lake and river canoeing.

* Wear clothing used when canoeing where you live at that time of year.