Item Name: Carpentry 1912

Item ID: Carpen-AH2

Collector Rating: 8

Requirements June 1911 until August 1911

            A scout must be able to shute and glue a four foot straight joint, make a housing, tenon and mortice and halved joint, grind and set a chisel and plane iron, make a 3 ft. x I ft. 6 in. x I ft. x 6 ft. dovetailed locked box or a table or chair.


Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

1. Know the proper way to drive, set and clinch a nail.

2. Know the different kinds of chisels, planes and saws, and how to sharpen and use them.

3. Know the use of the rule, square, level, plumb-line and miter.

4. Know how to use compasses for scribing both regular and irregular lines.

5. Make an article of furniture with three different standard joints or splices, with at least one surface of highly polished hard or decorative wood.  All work to be done without assistance.