Item Name: Citizenship in the World 1978 - 1990

Item ID: CitWor-H4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until February 1979

1. Tell how today's communication and travel have changed the interaction between countries.

2. Report on a world problem facing the United States. Report things we have done to try to solve it.  How do these things affect the interrelationship of countries? Explain the place of the State Department in it.

3. Show a map of three countries with ideologies different from each other and from that in the U.S.A. Tell how each operates. Compare the rights and responsibilities of the people in each with those of citizens in the U.S.A.

4. Explain the preamble of the United Nations Charter. Outline the UN organization. Tell the things it does.

5. Tell what we mean when we speak of:

(a) International trade agreements
(b) Foreign exchange
(c) Balance of payments
(d) The European Common Market
(e) International law
(f) International treaty
(g) Diplomatic exchange
(h) Tariff policy
(i) Cultural and educational exchange

Explain how two of these affect the international program of the U.S.A.

6. Tell the purpose of two international organizations of which the United States or a United States citizen is a member. Tell what each does.

7. Tell how the resources of a country affect its economy. Tell how they affect its relations to other countries.

8. Pretend you have made a trip to another country. Make a short but full report. Tell about the following:

(a) Means of travel, passports, visas, and immunizations needed.
(b) Interesting places and things.
(c) Government plan, family life, weather, language, and schools.
(d) How the country relates to the U.S.A.
(e) How you could bring good will to this country for the U.S.A.
(f) Review the story of a hero of this country.

9. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Take part in an international event in your own area.
(b) Play host to a visitor from another country.
(c) Attend an international event in another country.
(d) Talk with another person in a modern foreign language for at least 5 minutes. Translate 200 written words in that language.
(e) Help set up and run a World Friendship Fund in your unit.
(f) Help an organization which pushes the idea of world brotherhood.


Requirements February 1979 until January 1984

1. Tell how today's communication and travel have changed the interaction between countries.

2. Report on a world problem facing the United States. Report things we have done to try to solve it.  How do these things affect the interrelationship of countries? Explain the place of the State Department in it.

3. Show a map of three countries with ideologies different from each other and from that in the U.S.A. Tell how each operates. Compare the rights and responsibilities of the people in each with those of citizens in the U.S.A.

4. Explain the preamble of the United Nations Charter. Outline the UN organization. Tell the things it does.

5. Tell what we mean when we speak of:

(a) International trade agreements
(b) Foreign exchange
(c) Balance of payments
(d) The European Common Market
(e) International law
(f) International treaty
(g) Diplomatic exchange
(h) Tariff policy
(i) Cultural and educational exchange.

Explain how two of these affect the international program of the U.S.A.

6. Tell the purpose of two international organizations of which the United States or a United States citizen is a member. Tell what each does.

7. Tell how the resources of a country affect its economy. Tell how they affect its relations to other countries.

8. Pretend you have made a trip to another country. Make a short but full report. Tell about the following:

(a) Means of travel, passports, visas, and immunizations needed.
(b) Interesting places and things.
(c) Government plan, family life, weather, language, and schools.
(d) How the country relates to the U.S.A.
(e) How you could bring good will to this country for the U.S.A.
(f) Review the story of a hero of this country.

9. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Take part in an international event in your own area.
(b) Play host to a visitor from another country.
(c) Attend an international event in another country.
(d) Talk with another person in a modern foreign language for at least 5 minutes. Translate 200 written words in that language.
(e) Help set up and run a World Friendship Fund in your unit.
(f) Help an organization which pushes the idea of world brotherhood.


Requirements February 1979 until January 1984

1. Tell how today's communication and travel have changed the interaction between countries.

2. Report on a world problem facing the United States. Report things we have done to try to solve it. How do these things affect the interrelationship of countries? Explain the place of the State Department in it.

3. Show a map of three countries with ideologies different from each other and from that in the U.S.A. Tell how each operates. Compare the rights and responsibilities of the people in each with those of citizens in the U.S.A.

4. Explain the preamble of the United Nations Charter. Outline the UN organization. Tell the things it does.

5. Tell what we mean when we speak of:

(a) International trade agreements
(b) Foreign exchange
(c) Balance of payments
(d) The European Common Market
(e) International law
(f) International treaty
(g) Diplomatic exchange
(h) Tariff policy
(i) Cultural and educational exchange.
Explain how two of these affect the international program of the U.S.A.

6. Tell the purpose of two international organizations of which the United States or a United States citizen is a member. Tell what each does.

7. Tell how the resources of a country affect its economy. Tell how they affect its relations to other countries.

8. Pretend you have made a trip to another country. Make a short but full report. Tell about the following:

(a) Means of travel, passports, visas, and immunizations needed.
(b) Interesting places and things.
(c) Government plan, family life, weather, language, and schools.
(d) How the country relates to the U.S.A.
(e) How you could bring good will to this country for the U.S.A.
(f) Review the story of a hero of this country.

9. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Take part in an international event in your own area.
(b) Play host to a visitor from another country.
(c) Attend an international event in another country.
(d) Talk with another person in a modern foreign language for at least 5 minutes. Translate 200 written words in that language.
(e) Help set up and run a World Friendship Fund in your unit.
(f) Help an organization which pushes the idea of world brotherhood.


Requirements January 1984 until September 1993

1. Explain how communications and transportation have changed relationships between countries.

2. Discuss the importance of international organizations with your counselor. Tell how the following organizations provide a means for countries to work together.

(a) United Nations
(b) World Court
(c) World Scout Association
(d) International Red Cross

3. Show on a world map countries that have different forms of government and ideologies from that of the United States.

4. Tell how the geography, natural resources, and climate of a country affect its economy. Tell how they may affect relations with other countries.

5. Explain to your counselor what is meant by:

(a) International trade agreement
(b) Foreign exchange
(c) Balance of payments
(d) Tariffs
(e) Free trade
How does world trade affect your community and state?

6. Show your counselor how the American dollar fluctuates in relationship to three or more major foreign currencies. Why are these currencies important to the United States?

7. How does the U.S. State Department help us in foreign countries? What is meant by the following:

(a) International treaty
(b) Diplomatic exchange
(c) Ambassador
(d) Consul
(e) Cultural and educational exchange

8. Obtain the form to secure a passport. Fill it out and show it to your counselor.

9. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Attend a world jamboree.
(b) Take part in an international event in your area.
(c) Visit with a foreign exchange student and discuss his or her country and customs.
(d) Take a year of foreign language in school.
(e) Write an embassy or consulate and secure material from it about its country and discuss the material with your counselor.