Item Name: Coin Collecting 1972

Item ID: CoiCol-H1a

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until January 1975

1. Do the following:

(a) Collect a type set of United States coins issued during the year of your birth (except commemorative, rare, and gold coins).  Coins from any available mint will be acceptable.

(b) In your birth-year collection, point out the mint mark (if any) on each coin and identify the mint.

(c) In this collection, point out the initials (if any) of the designer on each coin and identify the designer.

2. Collect a type set of United States coins minted during the 20th century (except commemorative and gold coins).

3. Do ONE of the following two projects:

(a) Make enlarged rough sketches of both sides of five different denominations of United States coins minted from 1792 through 1852, and of both sides of five different colonial or State coins issued prior to 1792.  Show all designs, dates, and lettering clearly.

(b) Collect, classify, and properly mount 50 different coins minted by at least 10 different countries.