Item Name: Computers 1967 - 1972

Item ID: Comput-G

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements September 1967 until November 1969

1. Tell what computers are and briefly describe their history. Tell what data processing is and how it is used.

2. Name the four major components of a computer system and describe the function of one component in detail.

3. Build a simple model of one of the following that will help you to illustrate and explain its function in detail:

(a) Core storage
(b) Drum storage
(c) Disk storage

4. Do the following:

(a) Describe the differences and uses of analog and digital computers.
(b) Explain the Hollerith and Powers codes and their role in computers.

5. Obtain your local post office Zip code and convert to binary.

6. Using the flowchart-diagram method, show the steps necessary to set up a campsite.

7. Name four different uses of computers.

8. Convert your full name to each of the following codes"

(a) Hollerith
(b) Binary-coded decimal
(c) Eight channel standard code

9. Be able to tell your merit badge counselor in your own words the meaning of the following words or terms: functionsl units, storage, input/output devices, random-access, on-line system, central processing unit, magnetic ink character, information retrieval, solid-state components, nanosecond, stored program, console, optical reader, and register.

10. Do TWO of the following four projects:

(a) Arrange with your counselor to visit a local computer installation.

(b) Obtain and read two pieces of information about data processing other than manufacturers' literature. Summarize what you read for the counselor.

(c) Write a 500 work report on the various types of specialist occupations available in the computer field. Include educational requirements and average wage brackets when possible.

(d) Show your counselor five examples of data-processing output or the tape, cards, or report forms used.

11. Do the following:

(a) Construct an analog adder and explain its operation.
(b) Construct a card reader, demonstrate it to your merit badge counselor, and explain to him the difference between the Hollerith code and the internal machine code.


Requirements November 1969 until June 1972.

1. Tell what computers are and briefly describe their history. Tell what data processing is and how it is used.

2. Name the four major components of a computer system and describe the function of one component in detail.

3. Build a simple model of one of the following that will help you to illustrate and explain its function in detail:

(a) Core storage
(b) Drum storage
(c) Disk storage

4. Do the following:

(a) Describe the differences and uses of analog and digital computers.
(b) Explain the Hollerith code and its role in computers.

5. Obtain your local post office Zip code and convert to binary.

6. Using the flowchart-diagram method, show the steps necessary to set up a campsite.

7. Name four different uses of computers.

8. Convert your full name to each of the following codes"

(a) Hollerith
(b) Binary-coded decimal
(c) Eight channel standard code

9. Be able to tell your merit badge counselor in your own words the meaning of the following words or terms: functional units, storage, input/output devices, random-access, on-line system, central processing unit, magnetic ink character, information retrieval, solid-state components, nanosecond, stored program, console, optical reader, and register.

10. Do TWO of the following four projects:

(a) Arrange with your counselor to visit a local computer installation.

(b) Obtain and read two pieces of information about data processing other than manufacturers' literature. Summarize what you read for the counselor.

(c) Write a 500 work report on the various types of specialist occupations available in the computer field. Include educational requirements and average wage brackets when possible.

(d) Show your counselor five examples of data-processing output or the tape, cards, or report forms used.

11. Do the following:

(a) Construct an analog adder and explain its operation.
(b) Construct a card reader, demonstrate it to your merit badge counselor, and explain to him the difference between the Hollerith code and the internal machine code.