Item Name: Computers 1984 - 1990

Item ID: Comput-H4b

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1975 until January 1984

1. Do the following:

(a) Give a short history of computers. Describe the major parts of a computer system. Give four different uses of computers.
(b) Describe the differences between analog and digital computers. Tell the use of each.
(c) Explain the differences between special and general purpose machines.

2. Do the following:

(a) Tell what a program is and how it is developed.
(b) Explain the difference between an assembler and a compiler. Tell where each might be used. Describe a source and an object program.
(c) Use a flowchart diagram to show the steps needed to set up a camp.

3. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Prepare flowcharts to find out the average attendance and dues paid at the last five troop meetings.
(b) Prepare flowcharts to work out a simple arithmetic problem. Explain to your counselor how this program could be stored in a computer. Tell how it could be used again.

4. Do the following:

(a) Name four imput-output devices for computers. Explain the use of two of them in a system.
(b) Explain the Hollerith code. Show how your name and address would be punched on a card.

5. Tell the meaning of SIX of the following: Memory, bits, on-line, bytes, microsecond, address, channel, interrupt, register, console, and central processing unit.

6. Tell the meaning and use of TWELVE of the following: Business data processing, information retrieval, simulation, scientific processing, floating point, truncation, fixed point, accuracy, input, record, output, file, software, instruction, hardware, indexing, loop, subroutine, real time, time sharing, and cybernetics.

7. Visit a computer installation. Study how it works.

(a) Explain what each of the following does: Design engineer, customer engineer, programmer, analyst, operator, and salesman.
(b) Read two pieces of information about computers. Describe what you read.
(c) Describe jobs in the computer field.  


Requirements January 1984 until September 1993

1. Do the following:

(a) Give a short history of computers. Describe the major parts of a computer system. Give four different uses of computers.
(b) Describe the differences between analog and digital computers. Tell the use of each.

2. Do the following:

(a) Tell what a program is and how it is developed.
(b) Describe a source program and an object program.

3. Use a flowchart diagram to show the steps needed to set up a camp.

4. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Prepare flowcharts to find out the average attendance and dues paid at the last five troop meetings.
(b) Prepare flowcharts to work out a simple arithmetic problem. Explain to your counselor how this program could be stored in a computer. Tell how it could be used again.

5. Be prepared to discuss several terms used in each of the following categories:

(a) Input/output devices
(b) Storage media
(c) Computer hardware
(d) Computer software
(e) Systems analysis

6. Visit a business or organization that uses a computer. Study how it works and be prepared to discuss what you observed.

7. Be prepared to discuss various jobs in the computer field.

8. Describe several ways in which an individual or family could use a personal computer other than for games.

9. Discuss three programming languages and explain what they are mainly used for.

10. Write a computer program in any language to list the names and telephone numbers of the members of your troop. If you have access to a computer, execute the program. Review your program and the results of the program's execution (if available).