Item Name: Conservation 1947 - 1952

Item ID: Conser-E2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1942 until June 1952

1. Identify as a result of his own observation on field trips at least five different species each of at least four of the following forms of wild life:  trees, shrubs, plants, birds, fish, and mammals.

2. Find out what protection is given by law to at least one of each of these forms of wild life.  Know which forms, if any, are in danger of extinction in his locality if further protection is not provided.

3. Prove practical knowledge of conservation problems as follows:

(a) Know at least three varieties each, of trees, shrubs, and plants which supply food for wild life.  Base findings on personal observation, noting at feeding stations and elsewhere what food attracts the most birds and animals and the widest variety of each.  Note particularly problems of winter food supply and suggest what can be done to increase this in his locality.

(b) Explain (1) what food supply is needed to sustain a fish population in a local stream or pond:  (2) what measures can be taken to prevent or eliminate pollution dangerous to wild life.

(c) Explain the general causes of soil erosion and suggest at least four practical ways to prevent it.

(d) Submit at least two photographs taken by himself, or (if no camera is available) submit six or more illustrations from current publications, showing phases of conservation of wild life or soil

4. Carry out one of the following projects:

(a) Maintain a bird or animal feeding station for at least four winter months, and keep record of wild life taking advantage of food provided.


(b) Maintain or assist in maintaining a bird sanctuary for at least four months.  Deep record of birds seen in sanctuary, both permanent and transient, noting favorite food and favorite type of nest or bird house.


(c) Take necessary soil erosion measures on a roadside bank or garden or orchard; or reclaim a worn-out lawn.

5. Carry out one of the following projects, in cooperation with proper authorities:

(a) Plant and care for at least twenty young trees or seedlings (other than fruit trees) for a season.


(b) Stock a pond or stream with fish; or improve habitat by building rock dam or crib.


(c) Hatch a brood of pheasant or quail eggs and release young birds in suitable cover.


(d) Serve actively in an approved community conservation project.  (This may include service in authorized patrols of parks or other public reservation int he interests of fire prevention, and preservation of wild life.)