Item Name: Cooking 1937 - 1938

Item ID: Cookin-C2a

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements October 1914 until September 9, 1937. Between September 9, 1937 and January 1, 1938 these requirements were optional

1. Prove his ability to build a fireplace out of stone or sod or logs; build a fire in the fireplace, and cook the following dishes:  camp stew, two vegetables, omelet, and rice pudding.

2. Demonstrate ability to mix dough, and bake bread in an oven; and also to make tea, coffee, and cocoa.

3. Carve properly and serve correctly to people at the table.


Requirements January 1, 1938 until June 1952. Between September 7, 1937 and January 1, 1938 these requirements were optional

1. Build a fireplace out of stone, brick, clay, logs, or other locally gathered material.

(b) Build a fire in the fireplace.

(c) Give evidence satisfactory to the Counselor that he has cooked over this fire a satisfactory meal for at least four persons, including hot soup, meat or fish, two fresh vegetables, a dessert which requires cooking, and a hot beverage, timing his cooking so that the courses will be ready to serve at the proper time.

(d) Order and pack properly for transportation the necessary materials to make this meal.

2. Mix dough and bake biscuits or other bread for four or more persons outdoors in a reflector oven, clay or dutch oven, or other improvised outdoor oven.

3. Give evidence that he has carved properly and served correctly to a Patrol or family group at table.