Item Name: Corn Farming 1934 - 1935

Item ID: CorFar-B2b

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1929 until June 1948

To obtain this Merit Badge, a Scout must meet any seven of the following requirements:

1. Give the life history and development of corn from sea maize to the present varieties.

2. Visit a county or state fair and name the different breeds and varieties of field corn shown at the corn exhibits.

3. Attend a state or county fair and name the breed or strain of four leading prize winning varieties of seed corn on exhibit.

4. Make an exhibit of one ear of each kind of field corn, sweet corn, and popcorn, grown in his county and be able to name the varieties represented.

5. Explain fully how corn pops and the necessary storage requirements for popcorn.

6. Demonstrate how to test corn for vitality.

7. Demonstrate how to string seed cord nor drying purposes.

8. Demonstrate how to make or show an exhibit of a sawdust box test.

9. Determine how many hills of corn there are to an acre if the hills are planted 3-1/2 feet apart each way.

10. Explain the meaning of the following as applied to corn:

1- Vitality Test                           3- Moisture Test

2- Market Grade                        4- Average Stand

5- Check Row

11. Explain how corn is pollinated.


Comply with the 4H Club or Home Project Requirements in Corn Farming as follows:

1. Own one acre of clean crop.

2. Do all work in care and management for season.

3. Keep accurate cost account and records as required by leader.

4. Exhibit corn samples as required by county or state leaders in charge.

5. Make complete report at end of season or year as required by leaders.