Item Name: Cycling 1942 - 1945

Item ID: Cyclin-D2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements December 1940 until June 1952

1. Ride 25 consecutive miles on each of two days each month for a period of three months; in other words, six rides of 25 miles each during the three months. He shall submit to the Merit Badge Counselor a report of the rides taken, including dates, routes traveled and interesting things observed.

2. After the three-month conditioning period in Requirement No. 1, ride a bicycle 50 miles in ten hours.

3. Repair a puncture.

4. Take apart and clean a bicycle and put it together again properly.

5. Know and demonstrate safety precautions on the road.

6. Go on a scouting expedition over a route selected by the Merit Badge Counselor, and make a report; also report correctly verbal messages in connection with this expedition.

7. Read and follow a course laid out on a map.

(Note) Bicycle must be equipped with all necessary safety features as required by his state and local traffic laws.