Item Name: Cycling 1911

Item ID: Cyclin1911

Collector Rating: 10

Additional Info:

Earned By: Richard Burckes, Waltham, Mass.; F. Platt, Denver, Col.; Peart, Denver, Col.; D. Helbig, Dever. Col.; Bruce K. Brown, Wilmette, 111; Bruce K. Brown, Wilmette, 111; Kingsley L. Rice, Wilmette, 111.

Requirements February 1910 until June 1911

CYCLING- The scout must sign a certificate that he owns a bicycle in good working order, which he is willing to use for service of the Government in case of emergency, such as national defense, carrying dispatches, etc. He must be able to repair punctures, etc., to read a map, and to repeat correctly a verbal message. On ceasing to own or to have certain use of a bicycle the scout must be required to hand back his badge. His rank would be that of "Cyclist Scout".


Requirements June 1911 until August 1911.

A scout must sign a certificate that he owns a bicycle in good working order. He must be able to ride his bicycle satisfactorily and repair punctures, take apart and clean bicycle and put together again properly. He must have a working knowledge of how to make reports if sent out to scout a road. He must be able to read a map and repeat correctly a verbal message. On ceasing to own a bicycle the scout must hand back his badge.


Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

To obtain a merit badge for Cycling a scout must:

1. Be able to ride a bicycle fifty miles in ten hours.

2. Repair a puncture.

3. Take apart and clean bicycle and put together again properly.

4. Know how to make reports if sent out scouting on a road.

5. Be able to read a map and report correctly verbal messages.