Item Name: Drafting 1976 - 1978

Item ID: Drafti-H3

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until September 1993

1. Prepare the following pencil drawings on material for reproduction:

(a) Make a rough sketch of a room. From it make a finished, scale floor plan. The drawing is to be properly titled. Show by conventional symbols all openings, equipment, and safety devices. List drawing instruments used.

(b) Make a scale drawing of some piece of craftwork. It must be so clear it can be used by someone else to make the article. The drawing is to have a bill of material. There is to be an estimate of cost.

(c) Reduce or enlarge the drawing you made for No. 1b. Show the scale used.

(d) Show drawings you made of orthographic projections. Show an isometric drawing of something other than those in Nos. 1a and 1b.

(e) Make ONE of the following:

(1) A simple bar chart or graph showing your progress in scholarship, physical fitness, or financial activity. (2) A simple schematic drawing of a radio or electronic circuit. (3) A perspective drawing of your own house. Use proper proportion. Show shrubs and trees.

2. Using single-stroke vertical or slant Gothic lettering, describe in ink for reproduction the subject of your drawing in No. 1b in not less than 25 works. Lettering devices may be used.

3. Describe five ways that drawings can be reproduced. Make copies of one of your pencil drawings and ink lettering, using one of these ways.