Item Name: Dramatics 1961 - 1966

Item ID: Dramat-G

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1952 until September 1967

Do any five of the following:

1. Show that you are familiar with the outstanding periods in the history of the drama, beginning with the Greek Drama.

2. Submit evidence that you have taken part in a play given by your Troop, school, Sunday school, or other group, before an audience of at least fifty persons, such part to be of sufficient importance to give you opportunity to display dramatic ability.

3. Submit a satisfactory play written by yourself, of at least two acts and of at least twenty minutes' duration preferably on a subject connected with Scouting; submit a diagram of a stage, set for one of the acts in such play, indicating left, right, off state, back drop, proscenium, etc.

4. Through an oral quiz, using your own play (Requirement No. 3) to illustrate, exhibit a knowledge of the fundamental elements of a play, namely, plot, character, dialogue; point out some of the elements that enter into the development of the plot, such as conflict, surprise, rising action, climax, etc.; show how characters reveal themselves by words and actions, and why the dialogue should be natural and brief, and accompanied by action.

5. Direct a play of at least twenty minutes' duration given by your Troop or other group, selecting the cast and planning or actually supervising the scenery, properties, costumes, lighting and all other details with reference to the actors and materials available. (This may be your own play in Requirement No. 3.) Arrange to have the Counselor, or someone designated by the Counselor, present at the performance.

6. "Make up" as an old man, an Indian, and "straight".

7. Present to the Counselor a list of five entertainment features which you can arrange to give at a moment's notice, either alone or with others, suitable for camp fire, Troop meeting or general gathering, and present any two selected by the Counselor from such list.